About Me

Cat Person

My fiancé and I have two sweetest boys in the world, Tito and Oreo. Tito (on the right) is 4.5 years old and loves meowing for treats and drinking running water out of a faucet. Oreo (on the left), who shares the same birthday as me, is 1.5 years old and loves watching TV and playing with all kinds of toys.


So far I have traveled to five of the seven continents with Africa and Antarctica left. I like exploring cities in depth and picking "uncommon" places such as Fiji and Sri Lanka I visited a couple years ago. I took the above picture of Mount Everest at the North Base Camp in Tibet, where I also went on a three-day trek around Mount Kailash at an altitude of over 16,000 feet on average.  

Sports Fan

I love watching college and professional sports (mainly basketball and football). I cheer for Hoosiers, Longhorns, Pacers, and Colts